Monday, August 17, 2009

Even Smaller Update, Better News

I wasn't talking to Gregory tonight, but I did give Trisha a call to make sure she knew what was going on. She wasn't home, but I was talking to her husband Jim for a few minutes. He said that someone (I'm guessing it was Gregory but it might've been Mom) called Trisha yesterday and filled her in on the details of what was happening. That's good. What's better is he said they were looking into what they could do to come visit in the very near term. They don't have passports and getting one is a 4-6 week process (basically the same as getting one in Canada) but he said that they'd found out that they could get a temporary paper if they drove across the border which they could use to re-enter the U.S. on their way back. So if that's the case then they just need to figure out how to get the time off, what to do with the kids and spend two days driving to the Island. He didn't say any more than that, but I was left with the impression that they were considering options that might get them there at the same time I'm going to be there.

Okay, so it's not great news, but for Mom to have both her kids there at the same time, I know that'd do her a world of good.

1 comment:

  1. That's great news, to have you both there at the same time. let's hope it happens.

    Someone told me that it is faster to fill all the papers online and then to bring them in to immigration to get your passport. It'i faster because you don't have to wait as long to fill all the papers.

    Hoping that your mom is feeling much better.

    News from Lincoln; Scott's Nursery suffered heavy damage yesterday when fire broke out in the building where they keep soil and supplies. There were 13 or 14 fire departments on the scene and sirens going all afternoon and into the evening. In all they lost three buildings and some hot houses but the main building suffered only smoke and water damages. The firemen succeeded in rescuing the two iguanas pets that were in the second building. That building was saved but the siding was all scorched. The road was blocked to through traffic for most of the afternoon. People coming home from work along the area had to walk.

    I got two new bull calves born yesterday in that heat and I'm running out of space to put my all calves.
