So that said, I'll start off with an obvious bridge. A photo I found in Dad's stuff dated February 14th, 1987.
I remember that trip to Charlottetown, there's even a photo of me from that session, but it's not been scanned in yet. I may post it here when I scan it or I may not, maybe it just lands on G+ or Facebook one of these days.
Next are a couple of photos from a little later. I'm guessing this is from 1990 or 1991, but this is where I need some help from family. It was taken at my cousin Sheila's place (that painting in the background is now hanging at the bottom of the stairs leading into my bar and theatre).
Austin, Dad, Stella and Lila |
Dad and Herb |
This one was dated, September 1989:
Stella, Eileen, Dad, Lila and Austin |
Three more from the same packet, undated, but I think they were probably during the same week or two: