Today we finished up our first War Amps CHAMPS seminar. I don't know what I really expected going in, but coming out I feel
so much better than I expected it's difficult to believe. I had no idea how much support they would be able to offer us. It's really an incredible organization. There was a session on Saturday morning for parent counselling and while I didn't think I was particularly well adjusted to the whole thing -- and I'm not, I did see some of the areas for concern still there, so I've got something to work on -- I was really shocked at some of the stories they were able to share with us of the reactions some parents have.
Anyway, it wrapped up early today and it's been raining pretty well all morning, so I decided to take a bit of time on Mom's birthday to scan some more pictures and share them here. There's the one in the link, which is from about 1954 of her and her brother at the farm in Norboro (I think), but there's a few others in there I never expected. As you'll be able to see, the envelope was just a mix of her random photos that didn't fit anywhere else. One I'm pretty sure my dad gave her when he was first chasing her really speaks to the time.